

Flipcause Offers Fundraising Tools for Non-profits

According to Crowdfund Insider, Flipcause has launched a new tool to help nonprofits fundraise. Flipcause’s cloud-based app plugs in to the non-profits existing website and provides them with a wide range of fundraising tools. Read more...

Millennials Use Technology in Giving Decisions

The Council of Foundations believes that Millennials' instant access to information and their lack of lifelong relationships with institutions such as churches affects how they give, reports the Chronicle of Philanthropy. Increasingly Millennials rely on their social network and technology to help them decide how to give. Read more...

Using Social Media to Help Homeless

Increasingly, social media is helping connect homeless people to services, reports Non-profit Quarterly. A survey by the University of Southern California School of Social Work indicated that 62% of homeless teens have a cellphone and use social media sites such as Twitter to find services in their area. Read more...

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