

Online Security Company Wants to Protect Citizen Journalists

According to Tech Crunch, CloudFlare, an online security and CDN service, announced a new initiative to protect citizen journalists and artists. Working with 15 NGOs CloudFlare’s Project Galileo will identify and protect sites around the world that are under attack from those who oppose their viewpoints. Read more...

Google Announces Bay Area Impact Challenge Winners

According to Tech Crunch, Google.org, the non-profit arm of Google, has announced the winners of its Bay Area Impact Challenge. From over 1,000 entrants Google selected 25 to receive free technical support and co-working space for a year. Those 25 were narrowed down to 10. After a round of online voting four finalists were announced. The finalists will get grants of $500,000 each. Read more...

Box Donates Products to Non-profits

Box, an online storage company, will donate products to qualifying companies, reports SF Gate. Any qualified 501(c)(3) will be able to get 10 free licenses. For organizations with a need for more than 10 licenses they will offer them at 50 percent off. Read more...

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