

Detroit University Closes Non-profit Center

Southfield Michigan’s Lawrence Technological is closing down its Center for Non-profit Management, reports Crain’s Detroit. It will no longer offer an MBA with a concentration in nonprofit management and a graduate certificate in nonprofit management and leadership. Read more...

The Gates Foundation is the Largest Private Philanthropy

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has grown into the country’s largest private philanthropy. In the first four years of its existence Gates gave $24.6-billion to the organization. From 2002 to 2012, he gave a total of $3.7-billion. Read more...

New Non-profit Helps Vets Find Tech Work

According to the Gazette, the Rockville Maryland area is home to a new non-profit that helps veterans find technology jobs. NS2 Serves helps veterans earn their certification in SAP Technology software. Read more...

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