

Twitter Launches San Francisco Learning Center

Twitter is investing $1 million dollars in the Twitter Neighborhood Nest, reports SF Gate. The Neighborhood Nest is a collaboration between Twitter and Compass, a non-profit that serves San Francisco's homeless and will be a learning center where Twitter employees will teach tech skills to members of the community. Read more...

Minnesota Non-profits Get Awards for Cutting Edge Tech

The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits and MAP for Nonprofits has announced its 2014 Dot.org Awards, reports the MinnPost. The awards honor organizations that achieve innovations in technology. Read more...

Non-profit Tech Incubator Launches

FastForward, a San Francisco based non-profit tech incubator, will launch its inaugural class at the end of May, reports SF Gate. FastForward’s three-month program will help non-profits learn how to attract grants and donations and will also cover topics like board development, volunteers and open-source software. Read more...

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