Tech Tips

Tech Tips (253)

Digital Giving tech tip

You can now say “Alexa make a donation to_____” and have Alexa use your Amazon pay account to make a donation up to $5,000.  Currently, this program is only available to select charities that have been invited by Amazon. However, it is likely that this program will be a hit with both donors and nonprofits, so it is something that you should have on your radar for the upcoming year. 


Global Giving

Global Giving is a crowdfunding platform designed to help small nonprofits raise awareness and money. Global Giving is also a nonprofit, which means it understands what nonprofits need to run a successful fundraising campaign. 


Live Streaming

know your audience in order to determine if live streaming is right for your nonprofit. The people you want to engage through a live stream have to be savvy enough to access your video feed so that they aren’t overwhelmed or frustrated by the experience. Beyond this point, your decision should come down to value—both to the viewer and to your organization.



EveryAction wants to be everything to every nonprofit. This cloud based platform offers fundraising, advocacy, organizing and digital all in one package. 


What is your website missing?

By now your organization has most likely had a website for several years. Whether it was professionally developed or you relied on a talented volunteer it is time to take a few moments to consider how you could improve your website experience for your users. First, is your site easy to navigate? Can a new visitor to your site find the information they need easily? If they can’t then it is most likely they will abandon their search. 


Chat Bots

Chatbots are a great way to increase your staff without increasing your payroll. Chatbots are simply software that interacts via speech or text and uses algorithms to determine what the user wants/needs.  Adding a chat bot can help you increase donations, awareness and engagement. 



One of the biggest risks to the cyber security of your organization is, sadly, your own employees or volunteers. From easy to guess passwords, or passwords stored on a sticky note stuck to the computer to falling for a sophisticated phishing scam. There are many ways your staff can give cyber criminals access to your data. 


Using Box for Everything

What if your organization could do everything--really everything on one platform. No more trying to open a document created in a program that isn’t supported by your organization. No more trying to collaborate with the office across the country using only email.  With Box your teams can work together on projects in the cloud. Doing everything from assigning and tracking the project to real time revisions. Box lets you do that. This cloud based platform lets you do everything your organization needs to do in one place. 


Mobile Beacon

The internet has become the one essential office tool that every organization needs. No matter what your mission or where you are located you need the internet. Even if it’s only to send and receive emails. However, a standard internet plan from your local carrier can cost your nonprofit a significant amount of money every month. If your organization is looking for ways to cut expenses, Mobile Beacon offers programs for nonprofits that allow them to access 4G LTE Internet service for a $10/mo.


Volunteer Management

If you manage your volunteers by clicking open a spreadsheet, it is time you upgraded. Whether you have 5 volunteers or 500 there are software packages that are low cost or even no cost that will let you efficiently manage you volunteers in less time then it takes you to open up that spreadsheet. Of course, not all organizations need an elaborate volunteer database, perhaps your organization rarely needs volunteers then consider using something like Sign Up Genius, Sign Up or Sign Up Zone which allow you to make simple online sign up sheets to cover everything from potlucks to who is bringing snacks for movie night. 


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