

Apple Gives to Anti-poverty Organization

According to the Fortune Magazine, Apple has joined other Silicon Valley tech companies in pledging funds to SF Gives, a Bay Area anti-poverty organization. Apple is one of 15 tech based donors. Apple pledged $500,000 to the organization. Read more...

Grant Expands Non-profit Computer Programming Organization

CodeNow is expanding to Miami, reports the Miami Herald. CodeNow is a non-profit that provides free computer programming training to disadvantaged youth. The expansion is possible thanks to a grant from the Knight Foundation. Read more...

Optimize your Website for Mobile Users

Analyzing your website analytics will show you where your visitors are coming from, reports NTEN. On average, a quarter of website visitors are using a mobile device, even higher if you have a large international audience. With that many mobile users it pays to make sure your website is mobile optimized. Read more...

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