

Technology Spending Still Lags at Nonprofits

The Nonprofit Technology Network has published its eighth annual  Nonprofit Technology Staffing and Investments report and it shows that non-profits spend 3.2 percent of their annual budget on technology. Read more...

New Online Shopping Platform Helps Non-profits

Atlanta has a new Shop2Give program, reports the Fort Mill Times. The program developed by Sionic Mobile and Ching helps non-profits earn money from their supporters online shoppers. Read more...

Video Game Maker Scores Veterans Non-profits

According to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Call of Duty Endowment, a philanthropic branch of Activision Blizzard, which works to find high quality employment for veterans has created a scorecard to ensure that the programs it funds are high quality. The endowment partnered with Deloitte to create a rating system to make sure the non-profits receiving the grants will use them to best serve the veterans. Read more...

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