

Motorola Funds STEM Programs

The Motorola Solutions Foundations has announced $4 million dollars in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) grants, reports Philanthropy News Digest. The foundation, which is the charitable arm of Motorola Solutions, will fund a total of 92 STEM programs in the United States and Canada. Read more...

BitCoin Based Charity Receives Nonprofit Status

Sacramento-based BitGive Foundation is the first bitcoin-based charity to receive nonprofit status in the United States. BitGive is an all-volunteer organization that focuses on raising money for public-health and environmental causes. Read more...

Nonprofits Increase Technology Staff

NTEN’s8th Annual Nonprofit Technology Staffing and Investments Report shows non-profits are increasing their technology staff members, reports Associations Now. The report indicates that there are 4.4 people on staff responsible for technology-related issues and 1.1 data-focused staffers per organization. Read more...

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