

Tech Companies Give to Nonprofits

In an effort to engage communities and develop loyalty many cloud and managed hosting providers are offering their services to non-profits, reports Tech Target. The non-profits receive the technology to help run their organization better at no cost and the service providers get positive press in the community. Read more...

Online Giving Grows, but Could Still Improve

Online giving is increasing for small nonprofits, but still has room to grow, reports The NonProfit Times. The findings are a result of a survey performed by The Individual Donor Benchmark Report. They surveyed 29  non-profits with budgets of less than $2 million and found that those organizations had an 79 percent increase in online revenue compared to 2012, but that number only represents an average of 16 percent of overall revenue. Read more...

LA Code-a-Thon for Nonprofits

According to the LA Times, 10 area nonprofits received free apps thanks to a nonprofit code-a-thon. The Causathon attracted over 50 coders and technology experts that worked non-stop for 24 hours to create apps for the non-profits. Read more...

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