

Nonprofits Learn from the Ice Bucket Challenge

The recent success of the Ice Bucket Challenge is causing other charities to reconsider how they interact with the younger generation, reports the Seattle Times. The challenge’s success goes against what most charities normally do, which is find people passionate about a cause and encourage them to give. The challenge encourages people to be silly for a cause. Read more...

Tulsa Group Helps Nonprofits with Technology

According to Tulsa World, the Tulsa Community Foundation created 501technet to help local non-profits get the technology they need. 501technet provides hardware and software support for eligible non-profits. Read more...

Crowdfunding Continues to Grow in Nonprofit Sector

Crowdfunding is slowly taking off among US based non-profits, reports Dallas News. Annually non-profits raise about $200 million through crowdfunding and it continues to grow. Smaller organizations often turn to crowdfunding to get projects off the ground.   Read more...

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