

Donation Seeks to Bring Diversity to Tech

According to USA Today, Silicon Valley investor Marc Andreessen is donating $500,000 to three nonprofits working to increase diversity in the tech field. Receiving grants are  Code2040, Girls Who Code and Hack the Hood, all three work to bring more minorities and women into the tech industry. Read more...

Tech Tools for Nonprofits from Google

According to the Denver Post, Google offers a nonprofits a wide range of  tech tools for free. All nonprofits have to do is register on with Google for Non-profits. This give non-profits access to advertising grants, YouTube tweaks and other great tech tools. Read more...

Non-profit Uses Tech to Fight Ebola

mWater, a tech-oriented nonprofit, is helping in the fight against ebola, reports Takepart. The company has a new app that new app is designed to track the virus and its effects. Read more...

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