

Dayton Area Nonprofits Can Win Tech Makeover

Dayton area nonprofits have a chance to win a technology makeover, reports Dayton Daily News. Modern Office Methods, based in Cincinnati, opened its fifth annual “Jump Start your non-profit” contest. Online votes will determine which non-profit receives a technology makeover. Read more...

Nonprofits Test Donating Via Twitter

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, seven nonprofits are testing a new Twitter function that allows users to donate directly from Tweets.

OxFam Turns to the Cloud

According to CloudPro, OxFam will employee Box as a way to centralize its governance. The non-profit’s 2,000 employees in the UK as well as the 10,000 employees working in its 17 affiliate organisations in 90 countries will begin using the storage platform to store content. Read more...

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