

New Tool Helps Nonprofits Rate Their Diversity

GuideStar, an organization that compiles data on nonprofits, has a new tool on its website that lets users gauge an organization’s diversity, reports the Chronicle of Philanthropy. Using the tool, nonprofits can compile demographic data for their organization, including the gender, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity of their board members, volunteers and staff members. Read more...

Non-profit Gets Grant to Train for Tech Focused Jobs

According to the San Francisco Business Times, the federal government has awarded JVS, a  San Francisco-based nonprofit, a grant to provide training for the long-term unemploy. JVS will use the funds to set up program for job seekers that will give them skills in Salesforce, administration, network security, and mobile app development. Read more...

Nonprofit Goes High Tech

An international nonprofit that works to bring livestock and other essentials to farmers in developing countries is going high tech, reports Wired. Heifer International is testing a pilot program in Peru, that give local farmers access to technology. Farmers use the tech, such as Photoshop, Excel and Facebook to sell their goods. Read more...

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