

Go Daddy Founder Doubles Gift

Bob Parson, Founder of GoDaddy, is doubling his year end matching gift to Semper Fi, reports the Chronicle of Philanthropy. It is the second year in a row that Parson and his Foundation have offered matching gifts to Semper Fi, an organization that helps wounded veterans and their families. Read more...

WebThrift Store Joins Network

According to WebThrift Store, they are now part of the Blackbaud Partner Network. WebThrift Store is a multi-platform marketplace that lets non-profits launch a customized online thrift store. Read more...

Nonprofit Y-Combinator Graduate Gets Funding

According to Tech Cocktail, San Francisco based start up CareMessage, a nonprofit that brings technology to low income families to help them live healthier lives, received a series of grants to continue its mission. CareMessage is a graduate of the Y combinator start-up boot camp. Read more...

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