

Google Steps in to Help Fight Zika

Google is helping in the fight against the Zika virus, reports CNET. Google is partnering with UNICEF to aid efforts to find a way to detect and fight the virus. Read more...

Milwaukee Area Nonprofits Get Tech Support

According to the BizTimes, the University of Milwaukee is offering local nonprofits access to 15 tech interns. The program, nonprofIT, is a collaboration between the University’s School of Information Studies and its Center for Urban Initiatives and will give nonprofits access to information technology support for free. Read more...

Nonprofit Gets Spot in Y Combintor

/dev/color, the nonprofit support network for black software engineers founded by Makinde Adeagbo, will be the first nonprofit to accepted into the winter program at Y combinator. Y combinator is Silicon Valley’s most influential tech incubator. Read more...

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