

Tech Company Helps Nonprofits in Community

Snapchat is giving back to the Venice community, reports the LA Times. From providing funding to a women’s shelter, offering coding class and sponsoring art programs the company is willing to help nonprofits in the community. Read more...

Nonprofit Brings Change to Seattle

Microsoft continues to have an impact around Seattle, reports the New York Times. Now instead of a tech industry boom, it is changes brought by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as the nonprofit bring about social change. Read more...

Nonprofit Medical App Provider Gets Funding

According to Tech Crunch, Medic Mobile has received $1 million dollars in unrestricted grant funding. Nonprofit Medic Mobile designs apps for healthcare workers to use in the field to deliver healthcare to people who lack access to doctors or hospitals. The funding will allow Medic Mobile to hire additional staff members. Read more...

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