

Coding Camp Helps Nonprofits

A new program, Free Code Camp, gives students a way to learn how to code while doing good, reports KSL. The online certificate program teaches coding, but with a twist all of the projects apps, website development etc are created for nonprofits that need updated technology for their organizations. Read more...

Code.org Presses Government for Additional Funding

Code.org, a nonprofit that focuses on encouraging children, especially girls, to seek careers in technical fields has written an open letter to Congress calling for additional $250 million dollars in education funding, specifically for computer science education.. The letter signed by leaders in the technology sector also includes a promise of $48 million dollars in private funding. Read more...

Sesame Harnesses Power of Big Blue

According to ZD Net, IBM’s Watson, a cognitive computing platform, will team up with Sesame Workshops to develop a line of education toys for preschoolers. Sesame Workshops, the nonprofit that developed Sesame Street, wants a line of interactive toys that adjust to the aptitude of the user. Read more...

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