

Money Saving Tips for Nonprofits

According to Business.com, there are several ways for nonprofits to save money on technology. For example, nonprofits can skip bundling their phone with their local internet, instead they can use a company like Cabertel.com that works with nonprofits to offer them affordable phone service. Read more...

New Group Takes Aim at Tech Diversity

Several high profile women in the tech world are joining together to bring more diversity to the industry, reports EnGadget. The new nonprofit, Project Include, was co-founded by Ellen Pao, the former CEO of Reddit. The nonprofit will work to offer companies a path to diversity with best practices, research and tools. Read more...

Computer Issues Slow Giving

According to the Nonprofit Times, a computer glitch significantly slowed down the GiveLocalAmerica, a nationwide community based fundraising campaign. Computer problems at Kimbria forced some communities participating in the crowdfunding event to extend the giving period for an additional day.   Read more...

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