

New Platform Helps Get Items to Humanitarian Aid Orgs

According to Treehugger.com, Level Market, a new online platform, hopes to streamline how humanitarian aid organizations procure items they need to forward their mission. Level Market wants to streamline both how the organizations search for their items and the pricing of the items. 

Ohio Nonprofit Changes Tech Focus

DigitalC, formerly the nonprofit CommunityOne, is ready to use technology to improve Northeast Ohio, reports Crain's Cleveland. One of its first initiatives is to build a platform that would serve as a clearinghouse for information that all nonprofits in the region could tap into to help them forward their mission.

Nonprofits Need to Adjust to Millennial's Giving Methods

According to AdWeek, big nonprofits have to adjust to the way millennials give in order to remain competitive in today’s nonprofit marketplace. In order to get Millennials to give a nonprofit must make it as easy as possible for them to donate. Read more...

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