

Pasadena Coders Receive Award

The STEAM:CODERS, a Pasadena nonprofit that works to get disadvantaged students into science and math fields, received the 2016 Nonprofit of the Year Award as part of the 7th Annual Congressional Leadership Awards.


Giving Days Needs to Improve Diversity

According to the Nonprofit Times, while Giving Days help community organizations increase visibility and drive donations, the Giving Days don't attract a diverse donor base. Organizations should fine a way to make Giving Days appeal to a wider audience. Read more...

Take a Virtual Charity Ride

According to Tech City News, Everyday Hero and Manifesto are teaming up to develop a Ride2Rio Virtual charity ride event. Everyday Hero is a an online peer-to-peer fundraising platform that works with many well known charities. The virtual event will let participants ride the 6,000 miles from London to Rio without leaving their home city. Read more...

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