

Using Drones for Humanitarian Aid

According to NBC 10, Field Innovations Team, which is a nonprofit that helps humanitarian organizations and nonprofits create disaster relief plans, is testing how drones could be used by these organizations to deliver aid. Read more...

Minnesota Online Giving Day Increases Fees

GiveMN.org, the nonprofit that organizes the online giving drive known as ‘Give to the Max’ day, is asking both its donors and participating nonprofits to help pitch in extra money to cover the operating costs of the event. Read more...

Tapping into Millennial Market

New nonprofit platform If/Then wants to help nonprofits tap into the Millennial market. The platform lets nonprofits create fundraising campaigns that bases donations on whether an event happens or not. For example, donors would pledge to give to a homeless shelter every time temperatures dropped below -25 degrees. Read more...

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