

Hackathon Benefits Local Charities

The University of Santa Cruz has announced the winners of its Hack2016 Tech Cares event, reports the University of Santa Cruz. The winning teams chose which local teams received $1,000 grants from the University. Read more...

Optimize Online Giving

Having an online donation page doesn’t automatically guarantee oodles of donations, reports B2B Community. There are several steps your organization can take to optimize your online giving. One thing is to make sure receipts, thanks yous and acknowledgements arrive in a timely fashion. Read more...

Changes Coming to E-Philanthropy Market

According to the Nonprofit Times, industry experts are expecting a ‘shakeout’ in the digital philanthropy marketplace. Recently, vendors have flooded the marketplace with new innovations, which has made it hard for nonprofits to sort through products. Ultimately nonprofits will benefit from the changes as there will be less vendors to choose from, and those that are available will be those with a solid product and track record. Read more...

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