

Annual Tech Makeover Contest Opens in Reno

For the eighth year, Microsoft and IQ Technology Solutions are providing a cash prize of $20,000 for the IT Makeover Campaign. A winner will be chosen from local nonprofits, and the cash will go towards tech improvements for the winning organization. Read more...

San Francisco Companies Invest in Community Service

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Zendesk, a San Francisco based customer software support company, encourages its employees to participate in community service activities. In fact, many of the companies that are located in the poorer neighborhoods of San Francisco require their employees to engage in community service activities. Read more...

In-kind Grows to Help Nonprofits Acquire Needed Items

In-kind, a Charleston based company that helps nonprofits acquire specific items, has just raised $750,000 to expand their business. Nonprofits can use In-kind to let their donor base know about their specific needs, for example computer equipment, donors can then purchase those items via the In-kind website for the nonprofit. Read more...

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