

Giving While You Wash Clothes

Now you can give to charity while washing your clothes, reports the Nonprofit Times. At the Consumer Electronics show Whirlpool debuted a new washer that comes with an app that allows users to make a donation to Habitat for Humanity every time they do a load of laundry. Read more...

ID Management Helps Nonprofits

Cloud based identity management can help nonprofits tailor their information to their visitors, reports CIO. The American Cancer Society is one of the first nonprofits to use ID management to let its visitors sign on to all its websites with a single logon. The software also collects demographics and information about the visitors. Read more...

Helping Schools Get Tech

A new nonprofit wants to help school districts get the best pricing on technology, reports the Hechinger Report. The Technology for Education Consortium is funded by the Gates Foundation and its goal is to provide pricing reports and procurement advice to member districts. It is open to any school district regardless of size and it is free to join. Read more...

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