

Super Bowl Works with Host City to Donate to Charity

The Bay Area, which is the 2015 Super Bowl’s host city, is dedicating 25% of the money contributed by sponsors such as Apple and Google to charitable giving. The giving program is headed by the Tipping Community and so far has distributed $2.5 million to local nonprofits prior to the Super Bowl, with an expected $5 million more after the game. Read more...

13 Year Old Uses 3-D Printer to Help Nonprofit

A Tucson boy is using his 3-D printer to help the disabled, reports Tucson.com. The 13 year old prints & assembles prosthetic hands and gives them to a, e-NABLE a network of volunteers for the Enable Community Foundation. The volunteers distribute the prosthetic hands worldwide. Read more...

Paypal Gets World Record for Fundraising

According to the Nonprofit Times, Paypal is a Guinness Book of World Records winner. Paypal won for ‘Most money raised online for charity in 24 hours’. During 2015’s Giving Tuesday Paypal raised $45.8 million dollars globally. Read more...

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