

Nonprofits Have New Domain Available

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, dot-org is no longer the only nonprofit extension available on the internet. As of Tuesday, nonprofits can register for thenew dot-ngo and dot-ong domains. Read more...

Washington State Wants to Improve Computer Science Education

Tech leaders and nonprofits focusing on tech issues came together to urge Washington state lawmakers to pass a new bill that would establish new computer science requirements in education, reports GeekWire. Representatives from Code.org, Microsoft, Amazon and Washington STEM want the bill,which would establish a grant program with a private match requirement to fund the increased computer science requirements, to pass. Read more...

Selfies for Charity

According to Digital Signage Today, Creative Chatter Communications and Lamar Advertising Company have teamed up for charity. The new campaign, running in several major cities, lets people get their selfies on a billboard for a donation of $25. Read more...

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