

Nonprofits Still Lag in Digital and Online Resources

According to Associations Now, the Nonprofit Technology Network and Care2, Inc. have released the 2015 Digital Outlook Report.  The report found that only 43 percent of  organizations surveyed had a staff member dedicated to digital and online strategies. Smaller organizations were less likely to have a staff member allocated to digital media. Read more...

Facebook Making it Hard for Nonprofits to Reach Target Audience

After years of working to build their Facebook audience, nonprofits now find the new algorithms limit their reach, reports the Non-profit Quarterly. Unless they are willing to pay their posts aren’t reaching their entire audience, so many nonprofits are asking Facebook to change their algorithm so nonprofits don’t have to pay to reach their audience. Read more...

Tech Entrepreneurs Giving Sooner

More young tech entrepreneurs are giving to charities while building their fortunes, reports The Chronicle of Philanthropy. For years, many tech entrepreneurs, including Bill Gates, waited until retirement to give to charities, but 2014 saw the founders of both GoPro and WhatsApp giving generously to local charities after the sale of their companies. Read more...

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