

Auctions by Celllular Makes Charity Auctions Easier

A new startup launched in Chicago that aims to help nonprofits run a charity auction, reports Built in Chicago. AuctionsByCellular provides digital services including online ticketing and mobile bidding technology, as well as in-person event management for U.S. nonprofits. Read more...

Nonprofits Pick Social Media Stars

When choosing who to partner with many charities are forgoing traditional stars to partner with social media stars, reports the Chronicle of Philanthropy. A recent DoSomething.org anti-teen pregnancy campaign featuring YouTube stars Anthony Padilla and Ian Hecox drove 51,000 people to the DoSomething.org site, which accounted for over 33% of the signups. Read more...

Comcast Awards Grants

In 2014 Comcast donated $500,000 to New England charities, reports the Hartford Courant. The Comcast Foundation distributed grants to 21 nonprofits in New England. A majority of the organizations receiving grants focused on digital literacy and community building. The grants ranged from $10,000 to $50,000. Read more...

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