

Hack-a-thon To Benefit Cancer Nonprofits

LiveStrong and BrandKnew have teamed up to host a Causeathon in March, reports LiveStrong. The event will bring together local nonprofits and technology professionals with the goal of helping the cancer nonprofits develop the tech they need. Read more...

Digital Nest Brings Tech to Students

According to the Huffington Post, a new non-profit in California is working to increase the number of women and minorities in the Tech Sector. Digital NEST brings technology to young women and minorities in small farming towns in California and offers a safe environment to learn how to use the technology. The nonprofit also works with local businesses to provide job training. Read more...

Charity Keeps Kids with Cancer Connected

At the annual Robert W. Baird Seminar, the Wise Investor group raised $21,000 for a local Reston, Virginia nonprofit HopeCam, reports Connection Newspaper. HopeCam uses technology to children suffering from cancer overcome social isolation. HopeCam provides the child with a tablet, internet connection if necessary and then helps the child’s school establish a regular connection with the child. Read more...

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