

Nonprofits Get Attention on Social Media

According to Media Post, a new report from Brandwatch shows that nonprofits are more effective at social media than marketers. On social media leading nonprofits, on average, receive 1,722 likes, 321 shares and 94 comments for just about every post or comment published. This beats out almost every other industry. Read more...

Fixing Email Woes for Nonprofits

According to DC Inno, the tech company EveryAction is working on developing a solution to nonprofit’s email woes. Research by EveryAction found that nonprofits lose an average if $15,000 a year because emails get sent directly to spam. EveryAction is developing a solution to this problem. Read more...

Boston Techies Come Together for Charity

An upcoming event in Boston will bring together over 2,000 tech professionals to raise money for nonprofits, reports CRN. The TUGG, Technology Underwriting Greater Good, fundraising party hopes to raise $500,000 for six nonprofits. Read more...

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