

Pop-up Tech Classes for Girls in Tech

According to Technical.ly Philly, TechShopz in a box is a new pilot program by TechGirlz, the nonprofit organization that strives to bring more young women into the tech industry. TechShopz in a box provides all the tools necessary to run a TechGirlz class. The goal is to provide consistent and easily shared curriculum to encourage more schools and nonprofits to host a TechGirlz event. Read more...

Determine Which Online Outlet Delivers the Most Donations

According to Fundraising Success Magazine, when evaluating where to spend your online marketing money organizations should focus not just on where the largest amount of traffic comes from, but where the largest amount of donations come from. For instance, Facebook may drive the most traffic to your site, but may only account for 2 percent of your donations. While your email campaign might account for 50 percent of your donations. Read more...

Nonprofits Raise Big Funds Online

The Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) and M+R issued a new report that shows nonprofits raised significant online funds last year, reports Associations Now. The M + R Benchmark Study shows that nonprofits raised $413 million dollars online in 2014. An average of $612 was raised for every 1,000 website visitors. Read more...

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