

Tech Giants Combine Forces with Nonprofits

Tech savvy entrepreneurs are throwing their expertise into the nonprofit arena, reports Time Magazine. Many of them are forming collaborations with nonprofits to solve bigger picture issues, such as preparing workers for the digital economy or global relief efforts. Read more...

Charities Fail to Take Donor's Preferences into Consideration

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, a new study finds that only 34 percent of the organizations responding to the survey tailor their correspondence and communication to their donors age. This is despite the wide gap in preferences, for example 80 percent of millennials appreciate occasional thank-you gifts, only 48 percent of seniors report liking the thank-you gifts. Read more...

Gamification Could Change Fundraising

Gamification, adding game elements to make a task more fun or productive,could transform nonprofit giving, reports B2B Community. Using gamification to make fundraising more competitive, collaborative and fun could greatly increase the success of the fundraiser. Read more...

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