

Oracle Founder Gives to Cancer Research

Oracle founder Larry Ellison is making good on his Giving Pledge, reports Forbes. The world’s 7th richest person will donate $200 million dollars to found a new cancer research center at the University of Southern California. Read more...

Kimbia Makes Amends for Tech Problems

According to GeekWire, online fundraising platform Kimbia is making up for the technical difficulties experienced during the Give Local America campaign. Dan Gillett, the company’s CEO will donate his salary for the next 3 months to local organizations that took part in the glitch ridden online fundraising drive. Read more...

The GreatGive Not Hampered by Tech Difficulties

Despite technical difficulties that caused disruption to the donation platform, the GreatGive was one successful, reports the Valley Independent. For example, the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven reported collecting donations from 8,130 donors for a total $1.4 million dollars which will be distributed to local nonprofit organizations. Read more...

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