

Nonprofit Turns Seawater into Clean Water

Nonprofit GivePower may have found a way to turn seawater into clean drinking water, reports Business Insider.

People have been trying to turn seawater into drinking water for thousands of years, but the process is not usually energy-efficient or affordable. 


Students Create Technology Nonprofit

According to India West, a new nonprofit startup 18TechVentures, created by two high school students, aims to help young students the tools they need to build the next wave of technology inventions. 

A pair of Indian American high school students in San Jose, California, have created a nonprofit with the goal of helping high school and college students build and launch new technology ideas.


Consumerization and the Nonprofit

Consumers are the end users of most technology, and that does affect organizations such as nonprofits, reports Forbes. Nonprofits might find themselves investing in more hardware or software than before in order to connect with audiences. 

In the days before personal computers and smartphones, software and hardware products were primarily geared toward organizations. Today, many tech companies have shifted gears and now focus on individual consumers as their end users.


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