

Nonprofit Converts Shipping Containers

According to Technical.ly Baltimore, Maryland nonprofit Learning Undefeated is repurposing shipping containers to be mobile labs. 

Shipping containers are continuing to prove their worth outside of transportation. From serving as a community-connecting space to an urban farm, one organization is now bringing them into education as mobile laboratories.


The True Impact of Fundraising

While nonprofits measure their success with the amount of donations they receive they aren’t doing enough to quantify their overall impact made with the donations, reports Associations Now. 

Donations are an obvious way to measure interest in an organization’s mission. But showing the impact of all that fundraising is much harder for many nonprofits, according to a new white paper from an Oracle subsidiary


Switching Focus from Startup to Nonprofit

According to the Rivard Report, Elequa, a San Antonio startup focused on clean water, is changing course to become a nonprofit focused on providing clean water solutions. 

Ryan Beltrán founded Elequa, a clean water tech startup, in 2013 to share an innovation that could help cut costs and increase access to clean water: electrocoagulation purification.


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