

Non-profit Brings Diversity to Tech

According to the Fairfax Times, the new non-profit organization Project CODEt was started by a 15yr old girl who wanted to bring more diversity to the technology sector. The goal of her organization is to expose computer science to everyone and break the stereotype of the male “computer geek”. Read more...

App Turns Waiting into an Act of Charity

CharityWait is a new mobile app that turns waiting for a table into a philanthropic act, reports Non-profit Quarterly. The app works by partnering charities with restaurants. The restaurants give guests the option of skipping the wait by making a donation to one of the charity partners. Read more...

Charity Navigator Gets New Chief

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Charity Navigator has announced new Chief Executive Officer. Michael Thatcher, formerly with Microsoft, brings the strong technology background needed for Charity Navigator to increase the number of charities it evaluates.  Read more...

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