

Bringing Solar to Nonprofits

According to the Register-Herald, Solar Holler, a West Virginia company, wants to make solar power available to area nonprofits. Many nonprofits are tax exempt, therefore not eligible for the tax incentives offered for using solar power, but the organizations would benefit from more affordable solar power, so Soar Holler, works with the nonprofits to finance the solar panels via crowd funding. Read more...

App Connects People with Social Services

A new social services app, Cerebri, harnesses the power of IBM’s Watson computer to help low income people connect with social services, reports AustinInno. The app originally designed for the United Way of Austin Texas is now in testing for San Diego County’s United Way.   Read more...

Go Pro Starts Nonprofit

According to Tech Crunch, Go Pro just launched a new nonprofit. Its Go Pro for a Cause will provide nonprofits with GoPro cameras, financial support, video producers and content distribution of their mission material. Read more...

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