

Nonprofit Connects Women With Tech Jobs

According to the New York Daily News, New York’s Girls Who Code Nonprofit just launched a new job network. The job network was made possible by $2.7 million in corporate donations. 20 tech companies will offer paid internships to alumni of the program. Read more...

DC Company Gives Back For Its Company Picnic

According to Technically DC, a local company gives back to the community for their corporate picnic. The GiveBackDC program, started by the Web Development Group, selects local nonprofits to receive a free complete web makeover. Read more...

Bringing Tech to Medical Nonprofits Serving Impoverished Areas

People living in impoverished rural areas can have a difficult time finding healthcare services, reports Nonprofit Quarterly. A new pilot project at Maine’s Harrington Center, a nonprofit medical service provider, puts technology, such as apps preloaded with medical apps in the hands of the healthcare workers.  Read more...

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