

Donate Now Available for More Pages

After its initial roll out to large charities in 2013, Facebook’s ‘Donate Now’ button is now available for all non-profits to use on their pages. Unfortunately, the button doesn’t allow users to make a donation inside of Facebook, instead it sends donors to the non-profit’s external site to complete the actual donation.

Vatican Goes Digital

According to Non-profit Quarterly, the Vatican is now using an app to raise funds for restoration. The app, Patrum, combines chatting, fundraising and community building. After downloading the app users can get free information, donate and receive updates on restoration project. Read more...

Ed Tech Accelerator Offering Grants for Science Tech

NewSchoolsVenture Fund, a non-profit that helps fund charter schools, has opened a new startup accelerator, reports Tech Crunch. The accelerator will focus on science and is offering 1.5 million dollars in grants to companies and non-profits that are working on tech to help students develop science and engineering skills. Read more...

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