

GoFundMe Raises Limit

According to Time, GoFundMe has raised its donation limit. Thanks, in part, to generous donations by stars like Taylor Swift, GoFundMe has raised its donation limit from $15,000 to $50,000. Read more...

Facebook Changes Content Controls

Facebook has rolled out new controls that allow users to select which pages they see at the top of their newsfeed, reports the Nonprofit Quarterly. Ensure that you are giving your fans content that they want to see, or you won’t be at the top of list anymore. Read more...

Smithsonian Tries Crowdfunding

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, the Smithsonian has launched its first crowdfunding campaign. The Kickstarter campaign hopes to raise $500,000 to help preserve the space suit that Neil Armstrong wore on his historic mission to the moon. Read more...

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