

Apple Donates to Encourage Tech Diversity

Apple is the latest tech company to join in the efforts to being more diversity to the tech industry, reports Tech Times. Apple will donate $50 million dollars to several non-profits that encourage women and minorities to pursue tech careers.   Read more...

Facebook Exec Gives Back

Facebook’s Chief Product Officer is helping a local nonprofit, reports Palo Alto Online. Chris Cox and his wife have donated $1 million dollars to Palo Alto’s Live in Peace. The organization trains and connects local youth with tech companies. Read more...

Microsoft Encourages Employees to Give Back

According to the Bellevue Reporter, Tech Talent for Good is Microsoft’s newest charitable endeavor. The program encourages Microsoft employees to donate time and talent to local non-profits. For every hour an employee donates, Microsoft will donate $25 to the non-profit.   Read more...

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