

Nonprofit Brings Tech to Africa

Colorado high school student creates a nonprofit that sends used laptops to children in Tanzania, reports CBS Denver.

After graduating from Colorado high schools, teenagers around the Front Range chose to donate their school-issued laptops to children in Africa. 


How to Use Tech to Solve Problems Long Term

Hackathons, Coding for Good and other charity events that help nonprofits with their technology needs aren’t able to solve problems like homelessness long term, reports BostInno.

Today, there are more programs than ever before designed to encourage the use of technology to solve the world’s most pressing problems.


Bots Make Communication Easier

The new site Botsforcharity is a partnership between DirectRelief and Mind Heroes to help nonprofits create chatbots, reports the Nonprofit Times. 

When hurricanes struck Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico almost two years ago, the spartan social media staff at Direct Relief was overwhelmed with messages via Facebook Messenger with questions about how to donate, volunteer or get help


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