

Gates Foundation Wants to Get into Digital Health

The Gates Foundation is looking to ramp up its digital health division, and to that end they have employed a former Apple researcher, reports CNBC.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for a first-of-its-kind role to invest in digital health ventures


New Digital Document Storage Could Help Asylum Seekers

According to Wired, Innovation Law Lab, a nonprofit that develops technology to help human rights advocates, has created a digital storage locker that allows users such as immigrants seeking asylum to upload vital documents to a secure cloud storage That way the documents are available even if the hard copies go missing. 

Last month, a young transgender woman from Central America applied for asylum in the US. Unlike thousands of others requesting asylum at the US-Mexico border, this person was especially fortunate. She had her birth certificate as well as a lawyer to represent her.


Helping Women in Tech

Only 18% of computer science degrees are obtained by women, so a new nonprofit was created to help women feel more comfortable in tech, reports Tech Wire. Rewriting the Code connects women who are majoring in the technology fields.

Not fitting in, feeling like the outsider and having “imposter syndrome” are all things women majoring in the computer sciences said they have experienced.


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