Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

What's Changed for Nonprofits in 2021

In the United States alone, nonprofits account for more than 5 percent of the economy and over 10 percent of employment. Although the demand for nonprofit services has been on the rise globally, leading to new challenges for charities, 2020 was the worst year of all. Regardless of the difficulties, nonprofits have managed to stand firm and offer their services. These uncertainties have inspired change in the nonprofit sector heading into 2021.


Starting Up A Nonprofit Using the Right Strategies

While starting a nonprofit is difficult, running a successful one is hard and requires immense effort, skill and passion. Working with your nonprofit to reach your mission may not be a rosy affair at all, and you may end up failing miserably. The nonprofit sector is not easy to master, and that is perhaps the reason why there are lots of well-intentioned professionals with a noble cause that failed to succeed. The problem boils down to a bad strategy most of them use in their nonprofits.


Get Ready for Summer Fundraising Events

The summer comes with new opportunities to take advantage of, and amazing weather for outdoor fundraising events. Although the winter is often the best time to fundraise, summertime can equally get you the money you require for your nonprofit. Since donors are usually on vacation during summer, you have to step up your game to make the most out of your fundraising events.


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