Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

It's Time to Be Thinking Past the Pandemic

It is now over seven months since the coronavirus pandemic led to the lockdown. This has impacted the economy significantly. With the pandemic, almost every industry has been adversely affected and losses incurred due to the closure of businesses. Nonprofits are among the organizations that have been affected the most by the pandemic. The industry is filled with uncertainty and unforeseen challenges that include cancellation of events and trying to find out how to navigate the tough terrain. They are seeing donations drop, operations halted and cash reserves dwindle.


What Steps to Take in Preparation for 2021

If you are a nonprofit organization looking to improve things in the future, the first thing is to ensure that you know what the future holds and devise a good strategy to address the concerns. While forecasting may not be correct always, as in the case of 2020, which remains the most challenging year for fundraisers as it is for all industries, predicting the future still has many benefits. In this article, we give tips on steps to take in preparation for 2021. 


5 MORE Fundraising Ideas to Plan for 2021

As 2021 draws closer, many nonprofits are looking for new strategies to obtain money for their causes. This is never an easy thing, more so at such a time when the coronavirus pandemic has affected almost everyone and every industry than ever before. Despite the challenges, there are still some ways you can achieve your goals and get the money you need for your nonprofit. It all begins with the right planning for a fundraising event. Below are five ideas you should try for your 2021 fundraising initiative:


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