Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Employees Can be Happy to Give

Recent studies have shown that millennials are the present and the future driving force behind the social responsibility movement in society. Accordingly, 70 percent of these millennials report that they will spend more money with companies and brands that support charitable causes. With research indicating that they represent up to $2.45 trillion in spending power, giving back will be a powerful way of attracting millennials and fostering their newfound giving culture. Here are some of the opportunities you should offer to your employees to support their giving within your organization:


Nonprofit Organizations May Find More Donations This Year

For nonprofit organizations, identifying funding sources and deciding the suitable model for the organizations are some of the greatest challenges. This was even harder last year during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, as almost every industry suffered from coronavirus-related effects. The sources of funding shrunk as many donors focused on recovering from the pandemic. However, as we approach the second half of 2021, there is a sign of an increase in donations. In a survey done by FrontStream, 87 percent (9 in 10) of the respondents stated that they intended to give it to charity in 2021. Of these respondents, 19 percent plan to give more than they did in 2020. This is basically because of the easing pandemic-related challenges.


How to promote your nonprofit event

Time is precious and today people only want to invest it in something which they're genuinely interested in. And they will only be interested in something which has grabbed their attention.  Today no one will be interested in attending your event if they do not know the reason behind it for how exciting it can be for them.  But how can you attract these people to your event? The primary key is to promote your nonprofit event in such a way that your support will be present but they will not be irritated.


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