Tech Tips

Tech Tips (253)

Technology Solutions So New They Haven't Been Invented Yet

OK, I'll admit that I'm totally late to the party on this year's contest, but there's a new one starting; and this is just too great not to mention. Check out what they're doing over at NetSquared, where their slogan is "remixing the web for social change." We're always looking for ways to better utilize technology to benefit the nonprofit community, and the folks at NetSquared have coordinated an awesome effort to do just that. It's called the NetSquared Mashup Challenge. Read more...

Don't Let Your Technology Drain Your Resources

If you're running a nonprofit organization, then chances are you have to keep a close eye on the bottom line. Money is always tight. There's also a good chance that you're concerned about social issues and responsibility. Taking the time to review your organization's energy consumption can help on both fronts. Conserving energy in today's electronic age not only makes you a better global citizen, but it can also save money on every month's energy bill. Read more...

Utilizing Photos to Enhance Your Nonprofit's Web Site

In today’s age, your nonprofit organization’s web site can really be its face to the outside world. In some cases, it will be a web surfer’s introduction to who you are and what you do. For those who have already worked with you, it will be a place to keep in touch and up-to-date on what’s happening. Read more...

Grant Resources Online

ImageGrants sometimes make up the backbone of nonprofit funding, especially for newer organizations that don't yet have their own sources of support. The Internet has created new grant opportunities that make a nonprofit organization's development department a little less stressed than it was in days gone by. That's not to say the researching and writing grants is simple, by any stretch of the imagination, but online resources have certainly taken some of the legwork out of the process. Read more...

Tax Implications for Online Donations

Thanks so much to Alexander Garbera for asking a great question in response to our last post on using the internet to fundraise.  I'll do my best to answer it here.

Let me start out this post by saying up front that if you have any questions about taxes, you should definitely consult a professional - a CPA or a tax attorney, for example. Read more...

Fundraising Online: Online Shopping Malls

With the advancement of technology comes opportunity for nonprofit organizations. The Internet offers more and more methods for fundraising every year. Simply setting up your organization’s web site to accept donations is just the tip of the iceberg in today’s world of technology. Read more...

Optimize Your Web Site for Users with Disabilities

In today's environment, web sites are one of the best outreach tools that nonprofits have. They not only inform the public of the organization's mission and programs, but they also serve as its face. It's important that the site be friendly and inviting to users, or they will spend little time getting to know the nonprofit. Read more...

6 Unique Online Fundraising Techniques for Your Nonprofit - Part 2

Online Auctions
One of the most effective online fundraising tools you can use today is the online auction. Nonprofits know that auctions are time consuming and difficult to manage, but also very lucrative. In 2006 alone, more than 16 billion dollars was raised through charitable auctions in the U.S. (National Auctioneers Association). Furthermore, auctions give nonprofit organizations the unique ability to tap into “household spending” dollars which compose 66% of the GNP compared to the only 2% allocated to “charitable giving” (Making Auctions Work Best for Corporate Sponsors and Fundraisers). The use of an online auction in your nonprofit will reduce the amount of resources required to host the auction while maximizing the potential profits. Read more...

Accepting Donations Through Your Organization's Website

In an earlier post, I discussed how internet activism allows nonprofits to reach a technologically savvy audience through the web. This is good because a) it gives your organization the opportunity to send your message further out into the world, and b) it gives potential donors a way to contribute funds quickly and easily. Read more...

Using Instant Messaging in the Nonprofit Workplace

Instant messaging is one of the most exciting burgeoning tools available to nonprofits today. It saves time, saves money, and enables quick and easy communication. Read more...

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