

Facebook Helps Red Cross Appeal

For the first time Facebook actively promoted a fundraising appeal, reports The Chronicle of Philanthropy. The appeal appeared on the top of user’s feed, by clicking the link a donation would be made to the Red Cross to help the survivors of Super Typhoon Haiyan. Read more...

#GivingTuesday Goes Global

According to the Huffington Post, #GivingTuesday is expanding to include Mexico. For the first time, Mexico will participate in #GivingTuesday, which will be known as #DonaConConfianza in Mexico. Read more...

San Jose Non-profit Commits to Clean Technology

San Jose is making a commitment to clean technology, reports the San Jose News. Next year the city of San Jose will open the non-profit San Jose Demonstration center for entrepreneurs and startups to bring in and test prototypes of new innovations in clean technology. Read more...

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