

Online Donations Rise in 2013

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Network for Good is reporting a 16 percent increase in online giving for the last two months of 2013. Donations for the period November 1 to December 31 reached 77.9 million dollars. Read more...

Facebook Founder Makes Good on Pledge

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg made a pledge to donate half his wealth to Philanthropy, reports the Los Angeles Times. He is upholding that pledge by giving 18 million shares, roughly worth $1 billion, to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

Non-profit Succeeds Thanks to Incubator

Watsi, a new nonprofit that wants to use crowd-funding to bring medical care to patients, is the first non-profit to go through YCombinator, a silicone valley based start up incubator. Read more...

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