

Google's Modern Tele-a-thon

Google is putting a modern spin on the telethon, reports TechCrunch. On #GivingTuesday, Google will use its hang-outs to host a “Hang-out-a-thon” which will connect those who want to give with organizations who need help. Read more...

Cognizant Makes Donation to STEM

Cognizant, an information technology company, is donating $150,000 to Texas A & M university, reports The Sacramento Bee. The university will use the donation for its STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) BioForce outreach program. Read more...

YouTube Co-Founder Makes Donation

The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) has received a $1million dollar donation, reports the Daily Herald. The donation is from YouTube co-founder Steve Chen, who is also a graduate of the IMSA. Read more...

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